Here at Redeemer, we want to help you live your best and most effective life for Christ. Check out all of the opportunities we have for you to grow!

My Core Classes

Steps to Freedom

Steps to Freedom

Learn how to overcome struggles that hold you back from the freedom Jesus promised and to walk out a lifestyle that will bring you deep and lasting fruitfulness in Christ.

Dates, Times, & Locations    
Date & Time

Wednesdays, September 24 – November 12, 2025; registration opens in January 2025

Location Gaithersburg Campus or Frederick CampusMore InfoChildcare is available, click here to register your child.

Esta clase está disponiple en español. Registrarse
Living & Giving

Living & Giving

Learn how to work together with God and others to accomplish the mission of building and growing His church. Your investment in God’s Kingdom has never been needed more than now! A $10 book fee will be charged at registration. (Living and Giving God’s Dream by Pastor Dale book will be received at the start of the class.)

Dates, Times, & Locations    
Date & Time

We will update this information soon.

Living Stones

Living Stones

Living Stones is your next step toward partnering with Church of the Redeemer. In these three sessions you will learn more about Redeemer’s history, vision and mission and the importance of planting yourself and finding your place in the local church.

Dates, Times, & Locations    
Date & Time

Gaithersburg Campus
Sundays, November 3, 10, and 17 at 1:00 PM

Frederick Campus
Sundays, September 8, 15, and 22 at 12:45 PM

More InfoChildcare and Shuttle Services are available

Spiritual Growth

The Gospel of John, Part 2

The Way, the Truth and the Life. God’s love sent His Son to the cross for us! Discover more about the eternal hope and abundant life we have in Him through this study of Jesus’ last days, crucifixion and resurrection.

Dates, Times, & Locations    
Date & Time

Tuesdays, September 17 – November 12 at 7 PM

Location Online

The Book of Hebrews

In uncertain and stormy seasons, Jesus is the anchor for our hope. Join us for this rich study as we learn how Christ is greater than every challenge we face and always provides the grace we need.

Dates, Times, & Locations    
Date & Time

Sundays, September 22 – October 27 at 10:45 AM

Location Gaithersburg Campus

Believe: Being Confident in What You Believe in an Unbelieving World

We live in a world that is skeptical or even antagonistic about the Christian faith. Knowing what you believe and why you believe it gives you confidence to stand firm in God’s truth. Grow stronger in Christ and your daily walk with Him in this practical and encouraging study.

Dates, Times, & Locations    
Date & Time

Wednesdays, September 25 – November 13 at 6:45 PM

Location Gaithersburg CampusMore InfoChildcare is available, click here to register your child.

The Book of Romans, Part 1

The call to live faithfully for God in a sinful world is a significant challenge for all of us. We need to stand firm on the truth of His Word to meet this challenge! The Book of Romans is a rich resource of truth about God’s gift of righteousness in Christ and how we can live daily in His righteousness.

Dates, Times, & Locations    
Date & Time

Wednesdays, September 25 – November 13 at 6:45 PM

Location Gaithersburg Campus, OnlineMore InfoChildcare is available, click here to register your child.
Community Groups

Community Groups

Gather together with other believers to grow together.

Care Groups

Care Groups

Find out more about small groups that can provide compassionate care and support as you navigate a difficult season.


Managing Your Finances | Frederick

God wants you to manage the resources He has given you wisely and well. Let the biblical principles and practical insights in this important study help you move forward financially by eliminating debt, saving for the future and giving like never before.

Dates, Times, & Locations    
Date & Time

Sundays, September 22 – November 10 at 8:45 AM

Location Frederick Campus

Hope for the Journey: Finding Grace and Strength When Life is Hard

Life is full of questions and challenges, and it’s not easy to know what to do when times are tough. The one constant is that God is faithful and we can trust Him. Find out more in this study that unpacks what the Bible says about moving forward, by God’s grace, through real life issues we all face.

Dates, Times, & Locations    
Date & Time

Thursdays, September 19 – November 7 at 7:00 PM

Location Online

Experiencing the Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is powerful! God wants us not only to know about His gift of forgiveness, but to experience its fullness and pass it on to others. This study will help you overcome unforgiveness and understand the freedom of being forgiven and forgiving others.

Dates, Times, & Locations    
Date & Time

Saturdays, September 14 – November 16 at 4:30 PM

Location Online
Steps to Freedom

Steps to Freedom

Learn how to overcome struggles that hold you back from the freedom Jesus promised and to walk out a lifestyle that will bring you deep and lasting fruitfulness in Christ.

Dates, Times, & Locations    
Date & Time

Wednesdays, September 24 – November 12, 2025; registration opens in January 2025

Location Gaithersburg Campus, Frederick CampusMore InfoChildcare is available, click here to register your child.

Esta clase está disponiple en español. Registrarse

Marriage & Family

Tech-Wise Parenting: Connecting with Your Teens in the Digital Age

Technology promises instant gratification and the world at the touch of a button, but often leaves us feeling empty and selfish. Parents need to be biblically informed and wise about how to navigate this with their teens, keeping the focus on developing relationships, communicating well and making intentional choices about where tech fits in.

This group meets while the youth are gathering on Sunday nights at the Gaithersburg Campus, 5:45-7:45 PM in Room 108. (Please note: our youth gathering is only for students 6-12 grades). For your children younger than 6th grade, we have great opportunities in our RKids ministry during service times on Saturday at 6 PM and Sundays at 9, 11 AM and 1 PM.

Dates, Times, & Locations    
Date & Time

Sundays, September 22 – November 10 at 6:00 PM

Location Gaithersburg Campus

Married for Life | Gaithersburg

This study is designed to help you lay hold of God’s truth about marriage and live by it. Find out how your marriage can grow stronger, even through the challenges and changes, as you understand and apply biblical principles in practical ways.

Dates, Times, & Locations    
Date & Time

Wednesdays, September 25 – November 13 at 6:45 PM

Location Gaithersburg CampusMore InfoChildcare is available, click here to register your child.

Married for Life | Frederick

This study is designed to help you lay hold of God’s truth about marriage and live by it. Find out how your marriage can grow stronger, even through the challenges and changes, as you understand and apply biblical principles in practical ways.

Dates, Times, & Locations    
Date & Time

Wednesdays, September 25 – November 13 at 6:45 PM

Location Frederick CampusMore InfoChildcare is available, click here to register your child.

Preparation for Marriage | Gaithersburg

Thinking about marriage? This study gives you insight into a Christ-centered marriage that prepares you both, as man and woman, for the journey you are about to embark on. Preparation for Marriage is a prerequisite for those who would like to be married by a pastor at our church.

Dates, Times, & Locations    
Date & Time

Sundays, September 22 – November 10 at 10:45 AM

Location Gaithersburg Campus

Preparation for Marriage | Frederick

Thinking about marriage? This study gives you insight into a Christ-centered marriage that prepares you both, as man and woman, for the journey you are about to embark on. Preparation for Marriage is a prerequisite for those who would like to be married by a pastor at our church.

Dates, Times, & Locations    
Date & Time

Wednesdays, September 25 – November 13 at 6:45 PM

Location Frederick CampusMore InfoChildcare is available, click here to register your child.